Job Postings

In order to keep this list current, job postings will be listed for two months at a time (unless an application deadline is provided). Expired postings may be relisted by submitting a new distribution request at the time of expiration.


Position: Lead Presbyter for Transformation
Location: Presbytery of Boston

The Presbytery of Boston is a membership of 20 churches and 5 fellowships and new worshiping communities in eastern Massachusetts. We seek to grow in our confidence to do the ministry of Jesus Christ in our communities. Beginning in 2024, the Presbytery of Boston is embarking on a 3-year visioning and planning process and has created the position of the Lead Presbyter for Transformation to assist us as we discern how God is leading us to function in the world today. This leader will listen to our concerns, help us to envision new ways of relating to one another, seek out pathways to create leaders for tomorrow and live their faithful call in Christ. Working collaboratively with our Stated Clerk, Moderator, Council, and presbytery staff, they will help us envision a structure that supports and increases the vitality of our congregations and mission. They will vision in partnership with our staff and colleagues in the Presbyteries of Southern New England and Northern New England as we consider shared ministry, and where needed, to the greater denomination. Three years from now, we will be excited to see increased zeal across New England Presbyterians and a clear and sustainable mission plan for the Presbytery of Boston.

Our Lead Presbyter for Transformation will be responsible to work in these three areas:

Faith Leadership and Pastoral Presence. They will…

  • Visit, support, and counsel congregations and clergy in our Presbytery, providing an approachable presence that invites collaboration.

  • Facilitate conversations to envision, identify and synthesize the vision and growth present within fellowships, new worshiping communities, congregations, clergy and members.

  • Model faith leadership that inspires us to become disciples and help us continue to grow into the Body of Christ.

  • Help us foster healthy and collegial relationships throughout the Presbytery.

  • Attend and participate in Presbytery Assemblies.

  • Serve, when appropriate, along with Moderator, Clerk of Session, and Council, as a colleague with other governing bodies of the denomination and in ecumenical, inter-religious, and community affairs.


Compensation Package: $50,000 with benefits at 25 hours/wk (.0.625 FTE ).

Within the Synod

Position: Stated Supply
Location: Presbyterian Church of Barnet

We are a vibrant, community-based Presbyterian Church in search of a full-time Stated Supply with the ultimate outcome being a long-term installed minister.
We will review this annual Covenant-Contract every six months. During this period the Pastor and the congregation will, in covenant with one another and with the help of God, seek to:

  • Provide for worship experiences and the practice of ministry with the Church and the community.

  • Engage in self-study and goal-setting by reviewing the past and planning for the future in such a way as to strengthen and enhance the mission and unity of the Church.

  • Help us prepare for a settled resident pastor.

In Barnet we are looking for a minister/leader who will:

  • Lead us in Sunday worship (and occasional special worship services) and administer sacraments for members and the community at wide.

  • Encourage our growth in faith and church leadership.

  • Want to become part of our community and spearhead our outreach to neighbors.

  • Support our Sunday School Teachers who lead and teach our active children and teens; and who will lead our current adult Bible study.


  • Someone who will like visiting our elderly, sick, and shut-ins, by themselves or with a church member.

  • Someone who will share our joys, concerns, and sense of humor.

Compensation: The Session agrees to provide the following compensation to our Stated Supply (following Presbytery of Northern New England, PNNE, guidelines.)

  • Base Salary: $33,000 per year on a full-time basis;

  • Social Security Offset of 7.65%.

  • Housing Allowance: We have a Manse, for full or part-time use. The Manse is within easy walking distance of our main church building. Value of the manse plus utilities (in 2023) was $20,016.

  • Study Allowance: $1,000/year, reimbursed.

  • Mileage (at IRS rate) and professional expenses: vouchered and reimbursed, to $1,500.

  • Board of Pensions: based upon the requirements of the Presbytery, $24,732.

  • Other: Medical deductible or contribution to a Flexible Spending Account in the amount of $660.

Study leave: The Session expects the Pastor to attend seminars, workshops, and courses up to two weeks per year.

Paid vacation leave: The Session encourages the Pastor to take vacation, one week including Sunday, for each three months of service.

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Highlighting the Work of Our Presbyteries & Partners

The Synod of the Northeast is glad to facilitate collaboration and resource sharing between our presbyteries & mission partners, and to celebrate their good and faithful work. 

Events shared here are genuinely open to and likely to draw an audience beyond an individual presbytery's bounds, and/or have a special connection to the Synod's commitments of racial reconciliation, inclusivity, and innovation.

For matters of relevancy to the whole Synod community, presbyteries remain the best option for promoting the work of congregations, however when an opportunity meets the above criteria, we are glad to share it here. 

Note: Synod facilitated activities appear on our Calendar page. Please be sure to check there for other great opportunities!



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Contact our Administrative Coordinator, Nichol Burris.