The Synod of the Northeast - Mission
We are called to provide unencumbered spaces for the Holy Spirit to move among us, breathing new life into us and strengthening us to work for the realm and reign of God.
The Synod of the Northeast is a regional body of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). We believe that when we gather across human-made boundaries we are uniquely positioned to nurture innovation and strengthen our gospel communities.
The Innovation Grant was established to fund creative new projects that emerge out of and mobilize Presbyterian communities to engage with their local communities in ways that foster person-to-person relationships
The Synod of the Northeast is committed to supporting new expressions of community formed around a commitment to Christian faith and the teachings of Jesus.
Campus Ministry Grant
We recognize that college years can be a particularly formative time for individuals, and that campus ministries can play an essential role in their spiritual discernment and development. The Synod of the Northeast is committed to supporting these ministries in cooperation with our member presbyteries and congregations.
Youth Leadership Development Grant
Young people not only represent the leadership of our future, but their voices also guide our present moment as – together – we build a community that is mindful of generations to come. The Synod of the Northeast seeks to support the development of youth leadership skills and the amplification of youth voices both within the church and beyond.
Presbytery Support Grant
The new Presbytery Support Grant is needs-based and provides financial assistance to fulfill a Presbytery’s vision for mission and ministry. The grant is for projects but to support a Presbytery that cannot afford to perform its purpose.