Clean Climate Network Launched!

At the last Mission and Ministries Commission Meeting the Clean Climate Network was approved. We are pleased to welcome them to our network of Networks and are grateful for their witness!

From the Network:
Our vision is to have participation from each Presbytery in the Synod, to help the Synod realize our vision of becoming a leader in claiming our moral voice to combat climate change. We plan to build the network over the first year and develop our deliverables. Our objectives are:

  •  To lift up a theological conversation with the goal of developing an integrated “theology of creation” that could be embraced across the PCUSA and across boundaries of religious difference in the Synod of the Northeast.
  • To encourage presbyteries and churches in the Synod to pursue fossil free investment strategies.
  • To support churches that empower their members toward reduction of fossil fuel use, both corporately and individually.
  • Develop a concrete pastoral response to churches and communities that are in crisis due to climate change or our denomination’s prophetic moves to counter climate change.
  • Intersectionality – we want to make clear the connections between this issue and the other justice issues that matter. (Environmental justice, food justice, systems of white supremacy, gender justice, etc.)

This Network was birthed at the 2016 Synod Assembly during the discussion of the commissioner's resolution to divest from fossil fuels. The discussion took us beyond divestment to how to be the church in the face of climate change and environmental degradation. The discussion led to an overwhelming vote for divestment. The Holy Spirit was alive and moving among us at that assembly. 

We know there are groups active in the work of creation care in different presbyteries. Seven presbyteries concurred with the General Assembly overture to divest from fossil fuels. There are Earth Care congregations, and GreenFaith certified congregations. The Network will allow us to connect in a larger way, bringing together groups that already exist, getting ideas, growing to include more people in the work and learning from each other.

We also envision sponsoring environmental justice tours, so that more people become aware as to how our lack of care of God's creation is felt most in communities of people of color and poverty. We will need to draw on presbyteries that have opportunities for tours - not all do.