Supporting Innovation In Ministry
The Synod of the Northeast seeks to invest in, nurture, and celebrate the stories of projects, mission, witness, and ministry that transform communities by the Gospel. The Innovation Grant was established to fund creative new projects that emerge out of and mobilize Presbyterian communities to engage with their local communities in ways that foster person-to-person relationships. These projects serve as a learning lab for the Synod community as we collectively discover new ways of connecting with the communities we live in during the present era.
Application Criteria
Represents a specific project that is being launched or has recently been initiated within the geographical bounds of the Synod of the Northeast.
Builds on roots or established connections within a Presbyterian congregation/Presbytery/or other Presbyterian entity.
Brings to life an innovative, fresh expression of the Gospel message at work in the world.
Encourages team-lead leadership models.
Practices Synod values of Community, Diversity & Inclusion, Missional Identity, and
A full listing of the criteria used by Synod Commissioners to review Innovation Grant applications is available here.
Innovation Grants are available for a maximum of $20,000 per year for two years (a total of $40,000). Applicants must reapply for the second year of funding.
You may preview this application and other Synod Grant Funding Opportunities here
The link below will prompt you to create an account with our grants management software, where you will complete your application.