Native American Church Restoration Fund
An ongoing fund within the Synod to help Native Congregations address urgent and immediate repairs and necessary improvements within their churches and chapels.
In 2020 at the 224th General Assembly, the Presbyterian Mission Agency recommended that “2020-2030 be designated as a Decade of Confession and Repentance, in which PCUSA turns around and walks away from the Doctrine of Discovery”. The 224th General Assembly voted to have all mid-counsels develop a process for the repair and improvement of Native Church Properties.
At the Synod, we believe that this important work presents an opportunity for us to develop deeper relationships with Native communities while the addressing critical needs of our congregations. Already we have begun visiting with two of the five congregations within our bounds (report from the Shinnecock visit), providing some grants for the renovation and improvement of a kitchen at Brook Church (pictured above), and hosting some conversations which explore the Doctrine of Discovery and its impacts on native communities and communities of faith.
You can help restore these churches and walk with us on this journey toward deeper understanding and deeper relationships with the Native congregations within our bounds.
Are you with us? Can you give a donation toward the restoration of Native Churches?
Small Church Residency Program
In 2023 the Synod will launch a pilot Small Church Residency Program to support “hard-to-call” congregations. The two-year Designated Pastor program is designed for congregations ready for a transformation. Pastors and congregations participating in the program will receive training in change management, discipleship, stewardship, evangelism, and community relations.
The program follows the Congregational Vitality Matthew 25 foci. New-to-ministry pastoral residents will have the opportunity to learn the role of the public theologian in a ministry setting focused on adaptive leadership, collaboration, building ministry teams, community development, and 21st Century Church dynamics. The program requires intentional learning and collaboration efforts on the part of congregations and pastors. Through the program, ministry innovation and new models of ministry will be explored. Although providing pastoral leadership is the goal, the residency also should provide vocational clarity for those with a sense of call to smaller church ministry.
For more information about the program click here.
Currently, the Synod has budgeted $30,000 for this program, to be divided between two presbyteries. With your support, one additional presbytery can participate in the program.
Are you with us? Can you give a donation to help support and revitalize small churches?
Emergency Migrant Ministry Grant 2024
This grant is designed to provide one-time emergency funding of up to $5,000 to a Presbyterian Church or Presbytery which is engaging in ministry to and with immigrants. To qualify for this funding, a Presbytery or church must be seeking to meet an emergent or recently developed need for the migrant community. This could come from an existing migrant ministry which has recently seen a greater need or a change in the needs that they are seeking to address. This could also come from a church or Presbytery seeking to start a new ministry to address a new emergent need.
Funding will be given to applicants who will use the money to meet immediate and practical human need such as food, clothing, over the counter medicine, school supplies, etc. Funding will not be given to applicants seeking to use the funds to staff the ministry or pay for equipment or building needs. Because this grant is designed to meet emergency needs, applications will be considered on a rolling basis.