Native American Church Initiative
An ongoing fund within the Synod to help Native Congregations address urgent and immediate repairs and necessary improvements within their churches and chapels.
In 2020 at the 224th General Assembly, the Presbyterian Mission Agency recommended that “2020-2030 be designated as a Decade of Confession and Repentance, in which PCUSA turns around and walks away from the Doctrine of Discovery”. The 224th General Assembly voted to have all mid-counsels develop a process for the repair and improvement of Native Church Properties.
At the Synod, we believe that this important work presents an opportunity for us to develop deeper relationships with Native communities while the addressing critical needs of our congregations. Already we have begun visiting with two of the five congregations within our bounds (report from the Shinnecock visit), providing some grants for the renovation and improvement of a kitchen at Brook Church (pictured above), and hosting some conversations which explore the Doctrine of Discovery and its impacts on native communities and communities of faith.
You can help restore these churches and walk with us on this journey toward deeper understanding and deeper relationships with the Native congregations within our bounds.
Are you with us? Can you give a donation toward the restoration of Native Churches?
Indigenous Mission Day