Encouraging Youth and Young Adult Leadership Development
The Synod of the Northeast greatly values the gifts of our young people and is committed to welcoming and celebrating their presence and leadership in all levels of our community's engagement.
Young people not only represent the leadership of our future, but their voices also guide our present moment as – together – we build a community that is mindful of generations to come. The Synod of the Northeast seeks to support the development of youth leadership skills and the amplification of youth voices both within the church and beyond. We are excited to offer Youth and Young Adult Leadership Development grants to initiatives, both new and sustained, that lift up and strengthen the leadership of young people.
Application Criteria
Develops youth and/or young adults as leaders in their community and/or in their congregation. For the purposes of this grant, “youth and young adults” encompasses middle school students through recent college graduates transitioning into the next phase of life.
Exemplifies the Synod’s values of Community, Diversity & Inclusion, and Missional Identity.
Collaborates across Congregations/Presbyteries/Organizations.
The program/ministry must be located in the geographical bounds of the Synod of the Northeast
A full listing of the criteria used by Synod Commissioners to review Youth and Young Adult Leadership Development Grant applications is available here.
You may preview this application and other Synod Grant Funding Opportunities here
The link below will prompt you to create an account with our grants management software, where you will complete your application.