“Church discipline is the church’s exercise of authority given by Christ.” (Book of Order, D-1.0101)
The Permanent Judicial Commission (PJC) of the Synod of the Northeast receives remedial complaints that are filed concerning a presbytery or appeals from presbytery PJC decisions. They determine whether to approve or decline requests for stays of enforcement and hold pre-trial conferences, trials and appeal hearings. Members serve on the PJC for one term of six years.
View PJC decisions and access the resource directory. »
Current members of the Permanent Judicial Commission
Executive Committee
Kate Jones Calone – Moderator
Peter Weishaar – Vice Moderator
Jim McKinsey – Clerk
Casey Carbone – Assistant Clerk
Class of 2026
Sherry Brown – Presbytery of Susquehanna Valley
Kate Jone Calone – Presbytery of Long Island
Joseph Chu – Eastern Korean American Presbytery
Peter Weishaar – Presbytery of Genesee Valley
Class of 2024
Craig Barth – Presbytery of the Highlands of New Jersey
Casey Carbone – Hudson River Presbytery
Jim McKinsey – Presbytery of Boston
Brunhilda Sanders-Lane – Presbytery of New York City
Class of 2028
Carrie Demers – Presbytery of Northern New York
Evan D. Hansen – Presbytery of Geneva
Wanda Lundy – Presbytery of Northeast New Jersey
The following resources may be helpful for anyone who has business before the Permanent Judicial Commission of the Synod of the Northeast, a synod of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
Communicating with the PJC (downloadable version coming soon)
Presbyterian Church (USA)
Book of Order (see second item in list)
Annotated Book of Order (see third item in list)
Online version of the Annotated Book of Order (under "Constitution of the PC(USA)" in menu)
General Assembly Permanent Judicial Commission (GA PJC)
GA PJC Decisions
Office of the General Assembly (OGA) Advisory Opinions
OGA Constitutional Musings
GA PJC Resources Page
Communicating with the Synod PJC
If you need to file anything with the Synod PJC, it is important to follow these instructions:
Document Formats
All documents submitted to, and sent by, the PJC shall be submitted in PDF format and, where applicable, shall be electronically signed. These documents shall be original electronic documents, not scanned versions of paper copies, unless an electronic version of the document cannot be obtained with a reasonable amount of effort. If a signature is required on a document and electronic signing is not available, the original electronic (unsigned) document may be accompanied by a scanned version of the signed paper document.
Means of Delivery
All documents shall be delivered via email or made available through secure websites, such as FTP, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc., their location to be specified through email messages. Paper copies of documents are sent through regular USPS mail, but not through certified mail, except where required by the Rules of Discipline (filing of complaints and appeals, decisions).* The sending of paper documents through certified mail (or equivalent service) in those cases does not replace the requirement to transmit the electronic copies.
Channels of Communication
Each party in cases before, or coming before, the PJC shall provide the Office of the Stated Clerk with at least one, but no more than three, email addresses for all communication with the party.
All correspondence to the PJC shall be directed to the Office of the Stated Clerk, with copies to the parties in the case at all times. The Office of the Stated Clerk shall forward all correspondence and documents directed to the PJC to the PJC Executive Committee within two business days. Correspondence from the PJC shall be sent by the Office of the Stated Clerk with BCC to the Executive Committee.
* D-6.0301, D-7.0402c, D-8.0202f, D-8.0404c, D-11.0403g, D-13.0202f, D-13.0404e
For a downloadable version of these communication rules click here (coming soon).
Synod PJC Cases
Permanent Judicial Commission
For questions about the Synod Permanent Judicial Commission (PJC),
email our Synod Stated Clerk, Rev. Nancy Talbot.