Announcing Changes, Postponements, and Cancellations


We know that these are high anxiety, uncertain times in which we find ourselves. Staff at the synod are in touch with your presbyteries and determining ways we can be helpful. Know that our prayers are with you all. Let us be strengthened by the knowledge that we are buoyed by our faith even in the most difficult of times.

The Synod of the Northeast Announces the Following:

The Diversity Forum, April 24-25, is canceled. 

The Presbytery Leaders Forum, April 29 -30, is postponed to September 16-17. 

Early Ministry Institute, May 3-7, is canceled. 

Synod Mission and Ministries Commission meeting, May 1–2, will be held virtually.  Details on exactly how this will work will be sent to commission members one month in advance. 

Innovation and Emerging Gospel Community Grant application deadlines are extended to April 6th.  Rev. Steve Huston is now serving as the Synod Grants Coordinator.  If you have questions, you can reach him by emailing or calling the synod office at 315-446-5990. 

The Wurffel-Sills Scholarship and Interest-Free Student Loan Program deadline is extended to June 1st given that most colleges and universities are closed, and it may be difficult to secure the required documents.  

Beginning Monday, March 23rd the Synod office In East Syracuse, NY will be closed. 
All staff will be working at home. You can still reach any of us either by email or by phone at 315-446-5990.  That number will forward calls to staff with the exception of the synod office staff, Fran Klaiber and Stacy Galloway.  They can be reached by calling the office, 315-446-5990, and leaving a message. 

Nancy Talbot, Stated Clerk -

Fran Klaiber, Finance Manager -

Lori Hylton, Administrative Coordinator -

Stacy Galloway, Finance Clerk -

Amaury Tañón-Santos, Synod Networker -

Your Synod Leadership Team and Staff

COVID-19Kyle Lasky