Innovation & Emerging Gospel Communities Grant Updates

We are pleased to announce that Rev. Sarah Henkel has joined the synod as the Mission Coordinator through the granting cycle for 2021.   In this position she will shepherd Innovation, Emerging Gospel Community and Campus Ministry Grants from the application process through Synod Commission decision making and announcements.   

The Synod Mission and Ministries Commission will review applications for the Innovation Grants and the Emerging Gospel Community Grants at its May 2021 meeting.  Grant applications are due by April 2, 2021.  If you do not submit an application by this date, you can submit an application for a 'second round' review at the September Commission meeting.  Be aware that fewer funds are available in the second round; only funds not allocated to the first round of applicants will remain.   There are  Campus Ministry funds remaining after awards were granted at the January Commission meeting.  If you wish to submit a Campus Ministry application, please do so by April 2, 2021.   

Grant criteria and the online submission forms can be found at   Sarah is available as a resource to answer any questions regarding the application process.  Upon request, she provide aa grant worksheet for applicants to use prior to submitting their grants online.  Feel free to reach her at

Lori Hylton