Shinnenock Nation Visit

On July 20-21, 2021, a five-person delegation from the Synod will visit the Shinnecock Nation, SanDawna Gaulman Ashley, Transitional Synod Leader, Nancy Talbot, Stated Clerk, Lori Hylton, Administrative Coordinator, Lisa Baker, Convener for Connectional Ministries, and Paul Rack, member of Long Island Presbytery. In part, the visit is in response to the 222 General Assembly mandate for the Church to repudiate and own its complicity in the Doctrine of Discovery.  Mid Councils are called to raise congregational awareness on the issues and to work toward the following actions:

a.   Support Native Americans in their ongoing efforts for sovereignty and fundamental human rights.

b.   Develop relationships with tribal nations, especially those in their immediate communities.

Additionally, the visit aligns with the Synod’s Matthew 25 Initiative to Dismantle Structural Racism and Eradicate Systemic Poverty, approved by the Synod Assembly in 2020.

The delegation will focus on listening and learning. The visit will be documented and shared at the September Commission Meeting in a written and audio visional report. For more information on the Doctrine of Discovery PC(USA), see


Lori Hylton