A Letter from the Rev. Leslie Latham, Moderator of the Synod of the Northeast; Member, Presbytery of Western NY

“Now faith is assurance of things hoped for; a conviction of things not seen.” Heb. 11:1

The foundational scripture for the 225th General Assembly

On Saturday, May 14, I was driving through the Adirondack mountains, listening to music, eager to arrive at my sister’s house. Another sister called me, frantic, asking if I was safe. Because I live in Buffalo.

I had been in my city earlier that day, rallying with 1,000 women and men seeking equity and justice for all human beings. But suddenly, my city became another gruesome statistic: yet another site of a mass shooting, carried out by a young man apparently motivated by grotesque racist hatred, and with a legally obtained assault weapon. He drove many miles to carry out his violence, targeting a supermarket in a Black neighborhood, at a very busy time.

Obviously, Buffalo isn’t the first city targeted by hate-filled people with high-powered weapons. Alas, as much as NYS Gov. Hochul wanted my city to be the last, in the last two weeks there were more attacks, including one in a PCUSA church in Orange County, California, and another in Houston. And now, Uvalde is scorched into our memories for a horrific attack on an elementary school.

Thoughts and prayers. Thoughts and prayers. And states continue to make gun laws MORE lenient, make concealed carry more available, and waiting times shorter or non-existent. Prominent lawmakers continue plans to attend the NRA convention.  Every time there’s a shooting, all we hear is, “this isn’t the time.” When will the time come? Our children continue to participate in live shooter drills at their schools, and legislators yawn.

My siblings in Christ, I don’t have an answer. I continue to pray for all the churches in the Synod of the Northeast. I know and believe, as I know you believe, that God is in charge, and weeps with us at the carnage, urging us to listen to the Word that calls us to love one another, have compassion for our earth, and live as Jesus lived. We are not doing so well at that.

In such a time as this, it’s easy to be angry and hopeless. But let us live as people of hope. Let us lament, freely and loudly, but let us also work for justice, mercy, and righteousness. As the 225th General Assembly gathers in the next weeks, let us live into its theme: Lament into Hope. I hope you will join me in continued prayer, for those lives stolen, for those lives destroyed by racism and hatred, and for those who mourn and work for peace.

If you’re looking for something to do to help out, we have two suggestions. Receive the Pentecost offering and send your 40% to places that help at-risk children. We have many in Buffalo, and our presbytery office can help. Or, if you feel so inclined, record scripture and a sermon for a particular Sunday, or a generic sermon. This idea comes from the Synod of MidAmerica, which sends this out for the fourth Sunday of every month, offering it to anyone. Anywhere. We’ll find a distribution system.

And of course, keep praying. And vote. Peace be with us all.
In the solidarity of Jesus Christ,

Rev. Leslie Latham, Buffalo, NY

Leslie Latham