Honoring Elder Alan Ford

Honoring Elder Alan Ford

Synod Treasurer

2006 - 2012 & 2014 - 2022

Alan Ford has also been very active in his church, the presbytery, and the larger church. He has served the Synod of the Northeast in a number of roles. He was the Synod’s Treasurer from 2006-2012, he served as a commissioner, and on Synod Council, the Budget and Finance Committee, the Nominating Committee, Board of Trustees, the Council Committee on Grants, as well as the initial Transition Working Group. And then again, as the Synod Treasurer for the last eight years.

As you can see in life, there are many paths you can take and many people who share that journey… but it is the special people who help along the way, and it’s the most important people who care enough to give of themselves unconditionally. Alan, thank you for being one of those special people.

Mark Bennett