Early Ministry Institute Testimonial

Associate Pastor, The Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville | Lawrenceville, NJ

Ministry is hard. Yes, for those called to it, Ministry is certainly life-giving. It’s truly a joy and an honor to be invited to share in the lives of those who find their way into our congregations and whom God places on our path; often in very meaningful ways. It’s a gift and a privilege to step into the pulpit and proclaim the good news of God’s love and welcome to a world so in need of both love and welcome. But, if we’re being honest, Ministry is hard. Ministry can be isolating and lonely. Imposter syndrome is real. And it doesn’t take very long to realize how much we didn’t learn in seminary. 

That’s why I’m so grateful for my experience at the Early Ministry Institute. This was my second year participating in EMI and I have consistently found the content of the retreat to be incredibly helpful. I felt the plenary sessions and “TED talks” addressed more than just gaps in experience, but were relevant and timely, considering the challenges facing ministry leaders today. More than that, however, through my EMI cohort, I’ve been introduced to a wonderful group of colleagues––now friends––whose ministries and leadership are inspiring and who get it. Together, we held space for the joys and hardships in ministry, encouraged one another, and shared stories and resources from our respective contexts. 

  If you’ve not done so, I hope you’d consider participating in EMI––either as a participant or a leader. Just as God calls people of faith to the community within the Church, I believe the Church is better when its leaders share in community with one another. Ministry is hard and we can’t do it alone. The gift of this particular retreat is a reminder of that and the unique opportunity EMI provides to engage with and support one another. I’d like to say “thank you” to the EMI design team and leaders for a wonderful EMI retreat.

Mark Bennett