Together We Are Moving Forward

As we begin the evaluation year for the Synod, the Leadership Team started the year in retreat. The time proved to be a spiritual gathering in which holy play, discernment, collective wisdom, and relationship building placed the team on solid footing. The Leadership Team is gifted for the work ahead. Collectively, we recognize the power of the current vision and the need in this season for introspection. In retreat, the leaders claimed values of openness, risk-taking, and collaboration as foundations in which we will work. We are expanding how the staff and leadership work together through "teaming." A concept that goes beyond teamwork but throws the metaphorical ball to the person best suited to perform particular tasks. Teaming is only successful when the group works together, trusting that the other will carry out their work, embracing the established organizational values and goals. The Synod community should expect to see our teaming efforts demonstrated as a model of collaboration for us. Something good is happening, and we can all feel it!

Another watchword this year is evaluation. Evaluations, in general, often produce skepticism and fear. Our approach to the Synod's ministry evaluation will focus on building upon strengths and a greater sense of call. What will we learn from our efforts of the past? What is our missional impact? When have our efforts been the most far-reaching and life-transforming? When we speak of innovation, the following values frame our intent:

· Community: Drawing people into meaningful relationships with one another.

· Diversity & Inclusion: Helping bridge across differences and promoting greater understanding between people.

· Missional Identity: Addressing real needs in the community and world with the hope, care, and love of Jesus Christ.

· Partnership: Creatively broadens the partners' circle to combine efforts and share a vision.

Our efforts are led by the Reformed understanding "that the Church is called to engage in mission even at the risk of losing its life." Together let's journey forward in openness, risking-taking, and collaboration. Our guiding scripture is Psalm 48:12-14 "Walk about Zion, go around her, count her towers, consider well her ramparts, view her citadels, that you may tell of them to the next generation. For this God is our God forever and ever; the [Almighty] will be our guide even to the end."

We are committed to being in partnership with you. Our identity is interwoven in a shared calling of being the people of God together. Your input and participation in upcoming listening sessions and surveys will help us collect the data we need to help us all move forward together. Join us in turning aside, looking around, and asking powerful questions. We want to hear from you!

My good friend Kent Ira Groff, (The Soul of Tomorrow's Church), offers words for the journey. He speaks of tamed prayers and bold risk-taking:

“Most of our prayers are too tame. Prayer is an explosion in the heart:
Crazy Noah building an ark,
Abraham bartering with the Lord,
Wild-eyed Isaac on the altar,
Jacob wrestling in the night.
Deborah leading a victory march,
Elijah calling down the rain,
Job taking God to court.
Ruth entreating, “do not part,”
Widows knocking on judges’ doors,
Outcasts touching Jesus’ hem,
A Canaanite mother claiming crumbs,
Mary boldly anointing Guru’s feet:
Jesus crying—why? My God, My God?
Startled women at the empty tomb!
Paul in prison singing hymns,
John in exile dreaming dreams.”

How will our stories add to the adventures in ministry in 2023?
Lord, make this a good year! Amen.

Rev. SanDawna Gaulman Ashley

Lori Hylton