Come To The Table 2023 | Young Adult Volunteers

We were pleased to have the Young Adult Volunteers from the Presbytery of New York City with us. They shared stories of their faith formation as well as the work in which they are involved this year. This year Juliet Owuor is with Self Development of People, Rebekka Reade with World Council of Churches, and Paige Mckinlay with Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church. They were accompanied by Maureen Anderson, the NYC Site Coordinator for the Young Adult Volunteer Program. The fourth YAV, Maggie Collins, who works with the Presbytery Ministry at the United Nations was attending the Young Adult Advocacy Conference in Louisville. If any church or presbytery would like the YAVs to come and meet with people or provide a presentation, feel free to contact Maureen Anderson or call her at 917-623-6236.

Mark Bennett