Church Discipline/PJC Training

As of July 9, 2023, PCUSA has a new final section of the Book of Order called Church Discipline which is significantly different from previous years.  Across the Synod we just completed Church Discipline/PJC Trainings provided by Elder Flor Velez-Diaz, Manager of Judicial Process and Social Witness Assistant Stated Clerk, Office of General Assembly. Daylong trainings in Albany and Skaneateles, NY and Hightstown, NJ brought out a total of 92 people. For those unable to attend in-person, Flor provided three virtual evening sessions in which an additional 87 people participated.  The feedback from people who attended was extremely positive.  Flor created a power point for the training that she is happy to share with all who attended as well as others. 

You may find this very helpful.


Using our Synod’s training as a model, Flor will continue these Church Discipline trainings in other synods.  If you missed the opportunity to attend and believe it would help you to better understand this new section of the Book of Order, Flor is willing to have you join the virtual training of another synod.  Just reach out to her at to find out the schedule.

Mark Bennett