New Job Opening: Synod of the Northeast Treasurer

Synod of the Northeast

Treasurer Position Description


The Treasurer of the Synod shall be a presbyter from within this Synod. The Treasurer shall be elected by the Synod Assembly, upon nomination by the Leadership Team, for a term of four years, shall be eligible for reelection to one additional term for a total of eight years, and shall ordinarily assume office at the office at the beginning of the next calendar year unless the Synod Assembly directs otherwise.  (2.701)


The Treasurer shall have fiduciary responsibility for all funds and securities of the Synod.  Through the finance office of the Synod, the Treasurer shall ensure full and accurate accounts of all funds and securities for inspection at any time by the Synod Mission and Ministries Commission, the Synod Assembly, Synod officers, the Synod Leader, and any auditing firm contracted by the Synod Mission and Ministries Commission.  The Treasurer of the Synod shall be the Treasurer of the Corporation.  (2.702)


Incomplete Term:  If the Synod Treasurer is unable to complete their full term, the Synod Mission and Ministries Commission may name an Acting Treasurer to fil the position until the next Stated Meeting of the Synod Assembly.  (2.703)


The Treasurer is a volunteer position.


Specific Responsibilities:

  • Understanding fiduciary responsibility.

  • Maintain an awareness of fiduciary duties as it relates to religious organizations.

  • Review bank reconciliations monthly.

  • Conduct quarterly reviews of check logs, bank statements, A/P and vouchers, and electronic payment requests (credit cards, utilities, BOP).

  • Approve and sign transfers between accounts, including investment accounts at TD Ameritrade, New Covenant Trust, and bank accounts.

  • Sign requests for renewal of borrowing authority loans after approval of Trustees.

  • Participate in monthly leadership meetings as well as Synod Mission and Ministries Commission meetings and provide updates and counsel on issues related to the budget.

  • Develop in collaboration with the Synod Leader, Stated Clerk, and Convener of the Administrative Working Group and appropriate others the two-year budget.

  • Serve as a member of the Finance and Investment Working Groups.

  • Manage the cash flow of the Synod in consultation with the Synod Leader and Manager of Finance.

  • Committed to working approximately five hours per week on Synod finances.

  • Works closely with the Manager of Finance and Synod Leader.



  • The Treasurer is accountable to the Synod through the Synod Leader and the Administrative Working Group for fiscal management.

  • The Treasurer should be bonded.



  • Significant experience in financial management, preferably as a CPA or Bookkeeper. 

  • Financial Literacy

  • Detailed Oriented

  • Timely in Completing Tasks

  • Maintain a working knowledge of Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Polity.

  • Willing to Ask Questions and provide financial information to support decision making.

  • A collaborative person


*References:  The Synod of the Northeast Bylaws

Mark Bennett