Come to the Table 2023 Panel Workshop | Contextual Conversation Around Matthew 25
PANEL WORKSHOP : "Contextual Conversation Around Matthew 25: Reflections and Wrestling with Ministry to the Least of These from Three Pastors"
Description: Pastors, Emily Brewer, Jeniffer Rodriguez, and Dakota Whitaker lead a conversation around what the Matthew 25 initiative looks like in their own ministry contexts. They will discuss opportunities, challenges, and roadblocks that come with identifying ourselves as Matthew 25 communities. In addition to sharing about their own experiences, the panel hopes to invite cross-cultural dialogue around whether the Matthew 25 label is helpful and conducive to ministry “to the least of these” across multiple ministry contexts.
Workshop Duration: 45 Minutes
Panelist :
Rev. Jennifer Rodriguez
Jeniffer Rodriguez Michel serves as the Pastor for First Presbyterian Church of Ossining, NY. She obtained her Master of Divinity from McCormick Theological Seminary. She enjoys being with her husband, Kyle, and their children, Emma and Eric. In her free time, Jeniffer loves to paint, draw, and listen to music. In addition, Jeniffer is the Co-moderator of the Mujeres Hispanas Latinas Presbiterianas (Presbyterian Hispanic Latina Women) and Chaplain of the Ecumenical Choir, Cantico Nuevo in New York City.
Rev. Emily Brewer
Rev. Emily Brewer is the Interim Associate Pastor for Mission and Social Justice at First Presbyterian Church of New York City. Her ministry has been dedicated to nonviolent social change and supporting individuals and communities of faith as they take risks for the Gospel. Emily was raised Presbyterian in East Tennessee and was greatly shaped by her experiences as a PCUSA Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) in Guatemala and Nashville. Emily loves being a parent, spouse, sister, daughter, and friend.
Rev. Dakota Whitaker
Dakota grew up in Alabama and felt a sense to serve the church from a young age. He studied music in college then interned under a songwriter in Nashville, Tennessee; as he is a singer and writer himself. It was at this time that he met his wife, Megan, mm. and began to feel a strong calling to ordained ministry. He began working in youth ministry in Nashville and served as the Associate Director of High School Ministries for three years while earning a masters degree in youth work and church leadership. Dakota then moved to New Jersey in 2019 with his family to complete a Masters of Divinity degree at Princeton Theological Seminary as part of the Presbyterian Church (USA) ordination process.
Dakota along with his wife and two daughters, Lennon and Dot, love being outside and staying active whether its rock climbing, bike-riding, hiking, fishing, etc. Dakota feels called to work with all generations and values both the traditional and contemporary styles of worship. He loves preaching and teaching and being a part of the community. Dakota’s leadership style is collaborative and he values hospitality, compassion, prayer, and the love of Christ and neighbor. Dakota has been serving as Minister of Word and Sacrament at the Presbyterian Church of Barnet in Barnet, Vermont since December 2021.
Registration is now open for Come to the Table scheduled for October 20 – October 22. We will begin at 5:00 p.m. on Friday with dinner and end at 12 noon on Sunday with worship. Please note that each person is required to register individually. If you wish to share a room with someone, you should include that person’s name on your registration form and vice versa. Single or double occupancy rooms with a private bath are available on a first come, first served basis. We are delighted to announce that the Synod is providing a subsidized registration fee of $225. This includes each person’s lodging and all meals except for Sunday lunch. If you wish to stay for Sunday lunch, there is an additional $15 fee.
For Ministers of the Word and Sacrament to feel free to attend Come to the Table and remain through Sunday, the Synod will livestream the worship service from Silver Bay on Sunday. This will allow congregations to worship even if their pastor is at Come to the Table. This weekend is always beautiful at Silver Bay with the trees in full fall colors. We hope to see you there.