Come to the Table 2023 Workshop | Paralyzed By Anxiety
Workshop Title: Paralyzed By Anxiety
Description: Most individuals feel anxious at some point in their lives, especially when they are responsible for the care and well-being of others. Having anxiety, however, is different and involves becoming fixated on thoughts that lead to more anxiety, which is often coupled with physical symptoms and an inability to move forward. Clergy and church leaders are not immune to feeling anxious or having anxiety.
This workshop will explore behaviors, symptoms, treatments, and coping strategies associated with anxiety. Whether you deal with anxiety or want to learn more about how to help members of your congregation, family, or friends, this workshop is for you. Welcoming the stranger, especially the refugee, is central to our Christian mission, but how do congregations discern ways of welcome appropriate for their community context?
Workshop Leader :
Rev. Dr. Terrlyn L. Curry Avery
Rev. Dr. Terrlyn L. Curry Avery (TLC) is a pastologist (ordained minister and licensed psychologist) who invites people into transformation through the journey of sacred intelligence: tapping into one’s internal source in order to make intelligent choices that manifest the good of humanity. She helps leaders discover how their sphere of influence can change the status quo and dismantle racism. She is the author of Dismantling Racism: Healing Separation From the Inside Out and Sacred Intelligence: The Essence of Sacred, Selfish & Shared Relationships. She is the host of Dismantle Racism on Rev. Dr. TLC is the pastor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Presbyterian Church in Springfield, MA.
Registration is now open for Come to the Table scheduled for October 20 – October 22. We will begin at 5:00 p.m. on Friday with dinner and end at 12 noon on Sunday with worship. Please note that each person is required to register individually. If you wish to share a room with someone, you should include that person’s name on your registration form and vice versa. Single or double occupancy rooms with a private bath are available on a first come, first served basis. We are delighted to announce that the Synod is providing a subsidized registration fee of $225. This includes each person’s lodging and all meals except for Sunday lunch. If you wish to stay for Sunday lunch, there is an additional $15 fee.
For Ministers of the Word and Sacrament to feel free to attend Come to the Table and remain through Sunday, the Synod will livestream the worship service from Silver Bay on Sunday. This will allow congregations to worship even if their pastor is at Come to the Table. This weekend is always beautiful at Silver Bay with the trees in full fall colors. We hope to see you there.