Come to the Table 2023 | Young Adult Volunteer Coordinator
Workshop Title: Unveiling Faith| Young Voices on Service and Scripture
Description: Engage with passionate young adults hailing from Scotland, Texas, and North Carolina who are serving as Young Adult Volunteers (YAVs) in NYC. Participate in a dialogue where they elaborate on their roles and their commitment to community, equity and justice within the YAV program. Delve into the crossroads of their spiritual growth, their vocation as YAVs, and Matthew 25's compelling call to action that prompts us to 'shed our blindfolds'. Become an active participant in this stirring discussion and witness how faith is embodied through action!
Young Adult Volunteer Coordinator :
Maureen Anderson
Maureen Anderson is a dedicated coach, romance author, and speaker who hails from the Bronx. With a rich background of supporting young adults in ministry, Maureen is passionate about creating meaningful intergenerational bonds between Christian congregations and young adults. In her capacity as the Young Adult Volunteer Coordinator for PC(USA) in New York City, Maureen has had the honor of extending her impactful influence to young adults worldwide, far beyond her local community. Her role has allowed her to meet and inspire young people from various corners of the globe.
Maureen passionately designs her programs and workshops with a focus on diversity, social justice, and racial equity. Her mission is to empower young adults with the essential skills and confidence they need to fulfill their God-given dreams. She ardently seeks to infuse these values into her programming, creating an environment that champions inclusivity and fosters a commitment to social change. Maureen views her call as a chance to ignite hope within others, affirming them that their voice matters and stirs them to take ownership of their gifts. She wholeheartedly embraces this journey as an opportunity to promote growth and transformation in all those she encounters.
Registration is now open for Come to the Table scheduled for October 20 – October 22. We will begin at 5:00 p.m. on Friday with dinner and end at 12 noon on Sunday with worship. Please note that each person is required to register individually. If you wish to share a room with someone, you should include that person’s name on your registration form and vice versa. Single or double occupancy rooms with a private bath are available on a first come, first served basis. We are delighted to announce that the Synod is providing a subsidized registration fee of $225. This includes each person’s lodging and all meals except for Sunday lunch. If you wish to stay for Sunday lunch, there is an additional $15 fee.
For Ministers of the Word and Sacrament to feel free to attend Come to the Table and remain through Sunday, the Synod will livestream the worship service from Silver Bay on Sunday. This will allow congregations to worship even if their pastor is at Come to the Table. This weekend is always beautiful at Silver Bay with the trees in full fall colors. We hope to see you there.