Matthew 25 In Action : Growing Food with the Freedom Farm Community
THe Synod Staff visit the Freedom Farm Community
Middleton, NY
During the September staff meeting, the Synod of the Northeast Staff visited the Freedom Farm Community and learned about the impact they are making in the Synod.
The Mission of the Freedom Farm Community is to grow food to share with people who don’t have access to or can’t afford fresh produce. They are a gathering place for learning, healing, and reconnecting to this sacred earth, each other, and God. They especially invite youth and young adults from places that are systemically cut off from grass, trees, soil, and open spaces.
Sustainably Grown Produce
As stewards of the Earth, the Freedom Farm Community grows food without chemical pesticides and herbicides. Instead, they use cover crops, compost, and cow manure to replenish nutrients in the soil.
Sharing the Harvest
Much of Freedom Farm’s food is donated with the help of volunteers as well as Cornell Cooperative Extension’s gleaning program. They share fresh produce bi-weekly at a local food pantry (at Otisville Mt. Hope Presbyterian Church) and a low-cost farm stand (at United Church in Middletown). Freedom Farm Community is in the process of creating a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) with a sliding-scale model. Supporting members will help supplement the cost of sharing food at no or low cost.
Gardening for Education
Through an innovative curriculum and hands-on work, students experience the benefits of sustainable agriculture by learning about and reflecting on the connection between the wellness of the earth, our body, spirit, and God’s creative love. They harvest, prepare, and bring produce back to share with their families, neighborhoods, and people who are in need.
Community Building
People from all walks of life come together to break down barriers that perpetuate misunderstanding, injustice, and violence; and build bridges of peace grounded in our common identity as children of God.
Do You Want To Visit?
Retreats: Youth groups, church groups, school classes, or individuals are welcome to come to reflect on God’s creation and purpose, learn about sustainable agriculture, and experience Freedom Farm Community.
How CAN You support?
Please help support the work of Freedom Farm Community. They welcome prayers anytime and volunteers are welcome to pitch in between the hours of 9 am and 12 pm Monday through Friday. You can also help by sponsoring a family’s farm-fresh food share for the growing season (20 weeks) for $400, giving to the general fund, or through in-kind donations. Freedom Farm Community is a non-profit organization - so any donation you give is tax-deductible. A donation of any amount helps make this work possible.
Read the Article about the Freedom Farm Community on Dirt Magazine here