Visioning Process Update February 2025

Reimagining the Church in the World:
Bold in Faith, Transformative in Mission,
United in Christ
February 2025 Report

From February 10-13, the Synod staff, Leadership Team, Working Group Conveners, and Discernment Team gathered for a retreat. This was not just a meeting, but a collaborative effort to begin work on developing the Phase III Report and the final vision proposal. This gathering marked a significant step in shaping the Synod's future and provided a space where everyone could engage deeply with the evolving vision, feeling included and part of the process.

The Phase III Report titled “Reimagining the Church in the World: Bold in Faith, Transformative in Mission, United in Christ,” was presented initially and served as the foundation for discussions and planning. The work was framed by Isaiah 30:21, When you turn to the right or when you turn to the left, your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying “This is the way; walk in it.”

Under the leadership of Synod Transitional Leader, Rev. Dr. SanDawna Gaulman Ashley and consultant Okokon Udo, participants began developing the framework for the final vision proposal by focusing on seven missional pillars that will guide the Synod's work:

  • Theology & Spiritual Formation

  • Governance

  • Regional Learning

  • Grants

  • Collaboration

  • Stewardship

  • Branding

To advance this effort small working groups were formed, each led by the Discernment Team and composed of members from the Leadership Team, Working Group Conveners, and Synod staff. These groups focused on laying the groundwork for the final vision proposal, identifying core priorities, and mapping out strategies to bring the new vision to life.

The work initiated at the retreat will continue through regular monthly small group meetings, with a structured timeline leading to the completion of the Phase III Report and final vision proposal. Key milestones include:

  • April 22 – Zoom Town Hall Meetings (11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.) to present progress and gather feedback from the Synod community.

  • April 25 – Presentation of the developing vision proposal at the Mission and Ministries Commission Meeting.

  • May – July – Meetings with Conversation Partners Presbytery Leaders and other groups.

  • July - 2026 Budget Development.

  • July & August – Large Group In-Person Meetings for broader engagement and refinement of the final vision.

  • September 19 – First Read of the draft vision due to the Mission and Ministries Commission.

  • October 15 – Submission of the Phase III Report and Final Vision Proposal.

  • November 15 – Presentation of New Vision Proposal at Synod Assembly Meeting.

Governance & Organizational Structure

A significant outcome of the retreat was the Governance group's decision to develop the new vision under a Hybrid Mission-Based Organizational Model. This model builds upon the current structure while offering greater flexibility and maintaining appropriate governance, oversight, resourcing, and accountability. It features:

  • A central leadership team providing vision and strategic oversight.

  • Enhanced collaboration across mid councils and congregations.

  • Opportunities for local innovation at multiple levels.

  • Adjustments to the frequency of Synod meetings.

  • A reduction in the number of Assembly commissioners per presbytery, promoting equity and long-term sustainability.

Advancements by Working Groups

Throughout the retreat, each small group made significant contributions toward shaping the Phase III Report and the final vision proposal:

  • Grants & Regional Learning – Began planning the implementation of Phase II grants and program initiatives approved by the 2024 Assembly.

  • Collaboration – Developed criteria for future presbytery support grants.

  • Theology & Spiritual Formation – Drafted "We Believe" statements to anchor the new vision in the theological core values of Matthew 25, radical inclusion, diversity, leadership development, innovation, and abundance.

  • Branding – Began drafting a new mission statement and designed a new Synod logo.

  • Stewardship – Will continue its work as mission priorities are further developed.

This retreat set in motion a collaborative process to shape the final vision proposal and fully develop the Phase III Report. The next steps will ensure a bold, transformative, and united vision for the future through ongoing dialogue, strategic planning, and engagement with the Synod community. With critical engagement points planned through Fall 2025, the Synod is positioned to finalize and implement a mission-driven and sustainable path forward.

We are deeply thankful for the Leadership Team, Working Group Conveners, Synod staff, and Discernment Team members who bring a variety of expertise and wisdom to this process. Their dedication and thoughtful contributions are instrumental in shaping a vision that reflects our shared faith, values, and commitment to the Church's mission.

Mark Bennett