Featuring 21st Century Campus Ministry at the Protestant Chapel Community (PCC) of the University of Rochester

The Synod has historically supported campus ministries throughout our geographical bounds. One of these ministries is the Protestant Chapel Community, a ministry of Genesee Area Campus Ministries, led by Presbyterian Teaching Elder Laurie Tiberi. She gathers students for weekly Sunday worship and Wednesday Dinner Dialogues, as well as Saturday student-led bible study and service in a local soup kitchen, game nights and social events.

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Mission and Ministry Commission Gathers to Retreat: Rest and Reflection Lead to Listening and Seeing a Deeper Community.
"It is because one antelope will blow the dust from the other's eye that the two antelopes walk together"- African Proverb.

This is one of my favorite African proverbs because it describes the critical role of community in fostering insight, awareness and unity.   When we come together as members of the body of Christ, the Holy Spirit lovingly blows the dust from our eyes as we learn to live and love together

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Time Well Invested

Another innovative step in living out the New Way Forward took place as the Synod of the Northeast Mission and Ministry Commission met April 1-2 to do the work of the church in a new way. The commission spent intentional time slowing down, setting aside the “business” of the church, reflecting together on Isaiah 43:19, and discerning where new things are bubbling up in our life together as the connectional church.

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Seeking Companions on the Way: New Worshiping Community Models how to be in Relationship as They Think Jesus Did

Kevin Hershey felt a call to ministry at a young age. He knew a closeness to God, a consistent back and forth interaction, a way of being in relationship, that he eventually realized set him apart from his peers. Many years later, he continues to live in this close relationship with the Sacred by leading a community, Companions on the Way, to deepen their relationship with God and in turn with each other.

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