Puerto Rico Aid Update

by Leslie Latham

In the months since the winds stopped howling and the waters receded over the island of Puerto Rico, Presbyterians have responded to the plight of those who have been affected, an astonishing 40% of whom still don’t have power, and an appalling number who still lack access to clean water and sufficient food. 

In spite of bureaucratic roadblocks (and seeming apathy) on the part of our nation, congregations and presbyteries throughout the Northeast have put their faith into action.

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Robert Washington Scholars: Raising Up Diverse Voices in Leadership

by Harold Delhagen

Our Synod community is deeply blessed with incredible diversity. With this gift comes a profound responsibility to be sure that the gift of these voices is heard and reflected within the leadership of our governance structures. The Robert L. Washington Scholars Program is intended to lift up, support, and equip a diversity of leaders to serve our mid-councils and other areas of leadership.

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Something Old & Something New: Emerging Leaders Gather Around Ancient Practices

In the midst of an autumn coldsnap, around twenty church leaders who are between the ages of 25-40 gathered in upstate New York at the Silver Bay YMCA Camp & Conference Center for the 2017 Emerging Leaders Gathering. Though the weather was chilly, the community was not!

The Synod of the Northeast is blessed with a strong cohort of younger leaders, and while only a fraction of their number attend the annual Gathering each year, they consistently report that the community it fosters is crucial to their ongoing energy and enthusiasm for ministry.

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Hispanic Caucus Commemorates 500 Years of Reformation in the Places Where it Began

by Carmen Rosario

The “Concilio Presbiteriano Hispano/Latino, Sinodo del Noreste” (The Hispanic Caucus) sponsored a study trip to Germany, Switzerland, and France tracing the path of the Protestant Reformation of the 16th Century. A group of 19 people, members of 9 churches within the Synod of the Northeast and representing 5 presbyteries, engaged in this adventure from October 27 to November 9, 2017.

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