Meet the NJ Missional Structures Working Group

While the New Jersey Missional Structures (NJMS) working group is convened and facilitated by the Synod of the Northeast, the group’s members were appointed through the moderators of each of the seven NJ presbyteries. This is an incredible group of talented, creative, and visionary people, and we are so grateful for their work to imagine a new approach to presbytery life!

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M&MC Highlights: January 2019 Grant Awards

At the January 2019 Mission & Ministries Commission meeting, the Mission Working Group (MWG) reviewed several grant applications. At the working group’s recommendation, the Commission approved one Ecumenical Support grant and four Innovation & Emerging Gospel Community Grants. Our partners are doing some incredible work!

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M&MC Highlights: Standardized Calendar of Major Events

By Lori Hylton

One of the values highlighted in the New Way Forward is that of community. The membership of our Synod thrives on opportunities to come together to support one another through shared learning, shared worship, and shared visioning.

To support the goal of increasing opportunities to come together, the Synod hosts a wide variety of gatherings each year and supports an even broader set of gatherings within each of our 22 presbyteries. As a result, there is always something exciting happening in the Synod of the Northeast. So, to assist the various planning teams around the Synod, the Administrative Working Group has adopted a standardized calendar for the Synod’s largest gatherings.

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