We will focus on the trauma of incarceration, how it impacts 3 areas of Re-entry: Jobs, Housing, Family Reintegration, and which trauma-informed ministries are addressing these areas effectively. Most of the speakers will be men and women who were formerly incarcerated.
Primary purpose: To identify 'best practices' in Re-Entry work in the 8 Northeastern states... practices that we can learn from and perhaps emulate in our areas. For faith communities throughout the Northeast to learn about and share effective re-entry ministries throughout New York, New Jersey, and the six New England states. What's being dong in Bangor, Maine may be useful in Trenton, New Jersey. Methods that help formerly incarcerated people in Buffalo, New York better adjust to life on the outside may be directly applicable in programs in Providence, Rhode Island.
$50 per person for double occupancy.
Single occupancy is $95.
Covers all meals and room.
This event is organized by the Prison Ministry Network of the Synod of the Northeast of the Presybterian Church (U.S.A.). This is, however, not an exclusively Presybterian event. All who are involved in or interested in prison ministry are welcome — across lines of faith traditions!