Click here for flier inviting you to the whole event, and here for flier with details about the special Friday night event.
Join us for a planning meeting for the network! How do we claim our moral voice to combat climate change and help the synod be a leader in caring for God’s creation?
Share what presbyteries are already doing.
Brainstorm ways we might together raise awareness and secure engagement around environmental and climate change issues in our congregations, our presbyteries and the Synod of the Northeast.
Special Event on Friday night:
Transformation for the Long Haul – Building Local Religious-Environmental Leadership
The Reverend Fletcher Harper, Executive Director, GreenFaith
GreenFaith has been a key leader in educating and mobilizing people of diverse religious backgrounds for environmental leadership.
Q&A to follow.
When: Friday, October 20, 2017 (after lunch) – Saturday, October 21, 2017 (through lunch)
Where: Stony Point Center, 17 Cricketown Road, Stony Point, NY 10980
Cost: $171 for a Single Room/$117 for a Double Room/$70 for Commuters covers your room and all meals. Limited financial assistance is available based on financial need. Please contact Sue Smith at:
RSVP: Please Register by October 6, 2017