Connect with Us at General Assembly!

The General Assembly of the PC(USA) is our denomination's bi-annual, nation-wide gathering for business, fellowship, and mission. It is sometimes called "the Presbyterian family reunion."

Along with Presbyterians from across the country, commissioners, advisory delegates, and GA enthusiasts from each of the Synod’s 22 presbyteries will gather in Saint Louis, MO from Saturday, June 16 to Saturday, June 23, 2018 for the General Assembly's 223rd session.

The Synod is looking forward to this gathering, and excited to connect with our community -- those present in St. Louis and those participating from afar.

Jump to:  Synod Living Room — Social Media — Overtures — Members Providing GA Leadership

Need a break from the hustle and bustle?
Gathering a group for discussion and planning?
Looking for a comfortable spot to chat with colleagues?

Stop by the Synod Living Room at the Magnolia Hotel!

Meet & Greet - Sunday 8:00-10:30 pm
Join us for a Meet & Greet on Sunday, June 17 from 8:00-10:30 pm!

Other Living Room Hours are:

  • Sunday, June 17
    • 8:00am - 3:00pm
    • 5:00-8:30pm
  • Monday, June 18
    • 8:00am - 3:00pm
    • 5:00-8:30pm
  • Tuesday, June 19
    • 8:00am - 3:00pm
    • 5:00-8:30pm

To see the schedule and what's happening at the Living Room, click here. If you need space to hold a small meeting, the Synod's Living Room has plenty. To secure a meeting time, send an email to our Administrative Coordinator, Lori Hylton.  Once we have your request, we will reserve a table or two in a quiet section of the room. 

Want to keep up-to-date on Synod happenings at GA?

Join our Facebook group and follow our page!

Ask questions, share thoughts, and engage fellow members of the Synod in discussion about everything from where people are gathering for dinner, to what committees people are serving, information about overtures & initiatives, and everything in between!

Follow our hashtags across platforms for more:  #SynodNE   #GA223

Facebook Group · 58 members
Join Group
Welcome to the #SynodNE group for all matters #GA223! People from throughout the Synod will be at GA, and this group offers you a way to stay connected with one another and Synod happenings in St. Louis.

Six presbyteries within the Synod of the Northeast, and the Synod itself, have submitted 16 overtures to General Assembly that are currently in 7 committees for consideration.  We lift them up as a demonstration of the dedication and commitment that your presbyteries have to a wide variety of issues.

Especially if you are a commissioner, a YAAD, or attending GA in any other capacity, we encourage you to review these overtures so you are acquainted with them when they come to the floor or so you may speak to them during the public hearing times which are listed in

Newton - Per Capita

Assigned to Committee:   04 On the Way Forward
Item #:   04-01   (PC-Biz link)
Title:   On Appointing a Team to Review the Current Per Capita Based System of Funding the Ministry of Councils Higher Than the Session
   Committee: Approved as Amended (unanimous)
   Assembly: Approved as Amended (consent agenda)

          Read a presbytery newsletter article written by Newton General Presbyter, Rev. Jeanne Radak here.

Susquehanna Valley - Boundary Change Request

Assigned to Committee:   05 Mid-Councils
Item #:   05-01   (PC-Biz link)
Title:   On Realigning the Border Between the Synod of the Northeast and the Synod of the Trinity so that the Village of Waverly, New York, Shall Be Within the Synod of the Trinity and the Presbytery of Lackawanna
   Committee: Approved (unanimous)
   Assembly: Approved (consent agenda)

          Three congregations and 4 mid-councils navigate a life-giving merger. Read the story here.

Synod of the Northeast - Presbytery Name Change Request

Assigned to Committee:   05 Mid-Councils
Item #:   05-02   (PC-Biz link)
Title:   On Changing the Name of the Eastern Korean Presbytery
   Committee: Approved (unanimous)
   Assembly: Approved (consent agenda)

Monmouth & Synod of the Northeast - Ruling Elder Requirements

Assigned to Committee:   06 Church Polity & Ordered Ministry
Item #:   06-08   (PC-Biz link)
Title:   Amending G-2.0301 to Allow Congregations to Elect Individuals as Ruling Elders Without Requiring them to Assume a Seat on the Session
   Committee: Approved (31-20-0)
   Assembly: Disapproved (425-57)   (Approval defeated ~131-358)

Boston - Parental Leave (Board of Pensions Benefits)

Assigned to Committee:   06 Church Polity & Ordered Ministry
Item #:   06-13   (PC-Biz link)
Title:   On Instructing the Board of Pensions to Include 12 Weeks of Parental Leave as Part of the Benefits Package
   Committee: Approved as Amended (39-16-0)
   Assembly: Referred to Task Force Created by 06-NB (407-86)

Boston - Parental Leave (Book of Order, Terms of Call)

Assigned to Committee:   06 Church Polity & Ordered Ministry
Item #:   06-14   (PC-Biz link)
Title:   On Amending G-2.0804, “Terms of Call,” to include Paid Family Leave
   Committee: Answered by Action on Item 06-13
   Assembly: Referred to Task Force Created by 06-NB (407-86)

Boston - Parental Leave (Book of Order, Presbytery Minimum Compensation)

Assigned to Committee:   06 Church Polity & Ordered Ministry
Item #:   06-15   (PC-Biz link)
Title:   On Amending G-3.0303 to include BOP Participation and Paid Family Leave
   Committee: Answered by Action on Item 06-13
   Assembly: Referred to Task Force Created by 06-NB (407-86)

Hudson River - Divest From Fossil Fuel & Invest in Renewable Energy

Assigned to Committee:   08 Environmental Issues
Item #:   08-01   (PC-Biz link)
Title:   On Directing the Board of Pensions and the Presbyterian Church (USA) Foundation to Divest from Fossil Fuel and Actively Invest in Securities That Focus on Renewable Energy
   Committee: Approved as Amended (35-20-0)
   Assembly: Answered By Action on Item 08-08 (332-178)

Newton - Promoting Environmental Justice

Assigned to Committee:   08 Environmental Issues
Item #:   08-04   (PC-Biz link)
Title:   On Renewing Our Call to Promote Environmental Justice
   Committee: Answered by Action on Item 08-05 (unanimous)
   Assembly: Answered by Action on Item 08-05 (478-10)

Monmouth - Responding to Environmental Racism

Assigned to Committee:   08 Environmental Issues
Item #:   08-05   (PC-Biz link)
Title:   On Responding to Environmental Racism
   Committee: Approved as Amended (53-2-0)
   Assembly: Approved as Amended (452-34)

Monmouth - The Earth is the Lord's, Not Ours to Ruin

Assigned to Committee:   08 Environmental Issues
Item #:   08-06   (PC-Biz link)
Title:   The Earth is the Lord’s – Not Ours to Ruin: Priorities for a New Moral Era
   Committee: Approved (54-1-0)
   Assembly: Approved (consent agenda)

New York City - Madagascar

Assigned to Committee:   09 Peacemaking, Immigration, & International Issues
Item #:   09-07   (PC-Biz link)
Title:   On Promoting Democracy, Good Governance, Human Rights, and Sustainable Development in Madagascar
   Committee: Approved (unanimous)
   Assembly: Approved (consent agenda)

New York City - Central America

Assigned to Committee:   09 Peacemaking, Immigration, & International Issues
Item #:   09-10   (PC-Biz link)
Title:   A Study of Socio-Economic and Political Realities of Central America
   Committee: Approved as Amended (47-7-0)
   Assembly: Approved as Amended (415-88)

Hudson River - Concerns about Autocracy in the United States

Assigned to Committee:   11 Social Justice Issues
Item #:   11-17   (PC-Biz link)
Title:   Declaration on Where We Stand Regarding Concerns about Direction Towards Autocracy That This Country is Taking
   Committee: Approved as Amended (33-7-0)
   Assembly: Approved as Amended (consent agenda)

Hudson River - Responding to Racist Nationalism

Assigned to Committee:   11 Social Justice Issues
Item #:   11-18   (PC-Biz link)
Title:   Responding to Racist Nationalism
   Committee: Approved as Amended (31-6-1)
   Assembly: Approved as Amended (454-48)

New York City - Jarvie Commonweal Service

Assigned to Committee:   13 BOP, PILP, PPC, & Foundation
Item #:   13-08   (PC-Biz link)
Title:   On Creating a Special Committee to Conduct an Administrative Review of the Governance of the Jarvie Commonweal Service
   Committee: Answered by Action on Item 13-01 (46-2-0)
   Assembly: Answered by Action on Item 13-01 (consent agenda)

Members of the Synod community are also providing leadership to the 223rd General Assembly!

Two of the three teams standing for moderatorial election include representatives from the Synod of the Northeast! We offer our thanks and best wishes to Rev. Cindy Kohlmann and Rev. Bertram Johnson.


Rev. Cindy Kohlmann

The Rev. Cindy Kohlmann is the Resource Presbyer of the Boston and Northern New England presbyteries, and is a Teaching Elder commissioner from the Presbytery of Boston to General Assembly.

She is standing for election as co-moderator with RE Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri, who is a member and commissioner of the Presbytery of Tropical Florida.

Read more about Cindy & Vilmarie here.


Rev. Bertram Johnson

The Rev. Bertram Johnson is the Minister of Justice, Advocacy, & Change at The Riverside Church in New York City, and is a Teaching Elder commissioner from the Presbytery of New York City.

He is standing for election as co-moderator with Rev. Eliana Maxim, who is the Associate Executive Presbyter and a commissioner of the Presbytery of Seattle.

Read more about Bertram & Eliana here.


Other members of the Synod community are providing leadership to the General Assembly through its committees and support staff:

Cheni Khonje -- Moderator, Committee #02 Bills & Overtures (West Jersey)
Bronwen Boswell -- Parliamentarian, Committee #03 General Assembly Procedures (Geneva)
Moon Lee -- Moderator, Committee #05 Mid-Councils (Eastern Korean)
Luci Duckson-Bramble -- Moderator, Committee #09 Peacemaking, Immigration, & International Issues (Long Island)
Amir Tawadrous -- Vice-Moderator, Committee #09 Peacemaking, Immigration, & International Issues (Western New York)
James Tse -- Committee Assistant, Committee #10 Mission Coordination (New York City)
Diane Curtis -- Parliamentarian, Committee #10 Mission Coordination (West Jersey)

Thank you all for your service!!

More General Assembly Questions?

Contact our Administrative Coordinator, Lori Hylton.