The Synod of the Northeast is pleased to partner with the PC(USA)’s 1001 New Worshiping Communities initiative to provide a Missional Summit, supporting NWC teams with training and discernment.

Starting, growing, and sustaining a new worshiping community is never a solo job. It requires the collaborative effort of individuals with diverse gifts and talents. The Missional Summit is designed for your entire NWC leadership team to be equipped together.

This two-day event provides NWC teams with training in the areas of missional theology and practice, leadership and team development using CliftonStrengths, and facilitated discernment for your NWC’s next steps. At whatever juncture your NWC is at, the Missional Summit can bring clarity to your vision and plan, and catalyze your team’s individual and collective leadership.

The Synod of the Northeast and 1001 New Worshiping Communities are happy to partner in providing this opportunity. Registration, lodging, and meals are provided free of charge, and financial assistance is available to cover your transportation costs as well.

Register for the event below. To keep up to date with the latest news for this event, be sure to RSVP on the Facebook event page as well! For questions or more information, please contact the Rev. Michael Gehrling, the 1001 NWC Associate for Assessments and the Northeast Region.

Event Details

October 25-26, 2019
Friday 9:30am — Saturday 3:00pm
(late or evening arrivals are welcome)

Stony Point Center
17 Cricketown Road
Stony Point, NY 10980
(845) 786-5674

Completion of the CliftonStrengths (formerly StrengthsFinder) inventory.
Available for purchase at

New Worshiping Communities registering 2 or more participants
will receive free codes for each registered participant to take the CliftonStrengths assessment,
AND 2 complimentary strengths-based coaching sessions for the NWC’s point leader.

Register to attend the event!

Fill out my online form.