Upcoming Webinars & Trainings
10:30 AM
creating A Culture of Generosity
Facing the challenges of our post-pandemic world in your church? If your congregation’s approach to stewardship is stuck in a rut, the Presbyterian Foundation can help church leaders create a culture of generosity that celebrates the resources God has given us and understands the spiritual impact that giving away those resources has on individuals and congregations. Rev. Dr. Rose Niles, our Ministry Relations Officer in the Northeast Region, will bring an interactive Culture of Generosity workshop to us in a webinar on February 7, 2023 to help churches move from conducting a traditional stewardship campaign to building a year-round, spiritually-based culture of generosity. Register now and plan to join us!
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
10:30 am
What Kind of Christianity: A History of Slavery and Anti-Black Racism in the Presbyterian Church
Dr. William Yoo
Dr .William Yoo, the author of What Kind of Christianity: A History of Slavery and Anti-Black Racism in the Presbyterian Church, will share his motivations for writing the book, the research findings along the way that inspired and surprised him, answer reader questions, and invite collaboration discussion with participants as we seek to actively learn from history and apply lessons in our ministries today.
The book may be purchased from online book sellers or Presbyterian Publishing.
Postponed - DATE TBD
More Than A Hurricane: Puerto Rico Partnership Update
Please join us for a Conversation with Puerto Rico Partnership Members and Disaster Recovery Leaders :
Learn about the impacts of Hurricanes Irma and Maria, and the earthquakes
Get updates on the recovery effort and the work thats been done
Learn how you can help and get involved
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
10:30 am
Equipping Your Mission Through Legacy
Developing Planned Legacy Giving
Endowments and legacy giving are joyful opportunities to support the long-term ministry of congregations. There is a “right size” program for your church! Join us to be inspired and equipped! Legacy giving is a healing ministry!
• Legacy-giving conversations can be transformational for the church and
for the member!
• Legacy giving can unlock the generosity of your church!
• Remember and honor family and church members’ joy in mission!
• Legacy giving is an educational ministry!
• Legacy giving may fund ministry which is not funded by the budget!
You may start from scratch, or you may need to jumpstart an ongoing program.
Come consider the possibilities and explore the “How-To” with our Ministry Relations Officer from the Presbyterian Foundation, Rev. Dr. Rose Niles!
Tuesday, April 19, 2022
10:30 am
Values, Mission and Vision: Building Cultures of Generosity Through Community, Clarity, and Communication
Mission and vision statements are not just a checklist, they are the foundation for the generosity and stewardship work of your church. Join us to explore setting the foundation in place that inspires joyful stewardship of time, talent, treasure, and testimony. This webinar will provide examples and resources from the work of the Presbyterian Foundation.
FriDay, April 8, 2022
Building a Preferred
Narrative of a Shared Future
Tuesday, March 15, 2022
Building a Preferred Narrative of a Shared Future
We live our lives in story form. The way we tell stories, listen to stories, and live storied lives are shaped by narratives of which we are most often unaware. This 90- minute webinar will introduce participants to the distinction between the stories we tell and the background narratives that shape our lives.
About the Presenter:
David Anderson Hooker, PhD, JD, M. Div.
David Anderson Hooker is the Founder and Principal Narrator for CounterStories Consulting, llc. CounterStories engages as a conversation and visioning partner with international, national, and local civil society organizations and religious groups. Hooker is a former Assistant Attorney General for the State of Georgia. He is the author of The Little Book of Transformative Community Conferencing (SkyHorse 2016), co-author (with Amy Potter-Czaijkowski) of Transforming Historical Harms (Eastern Mennonite University 2012) and several chapters and articles considering the mechanism and results of multi-generational trauma, identity narratives and restorative justice.
He is a graduate of Morehouse College (BS); Washington University in St. Louis (AM); University of Massachusetts in Amherst (MPH & MPA); The Emory University School of Law (JD); The Candler School of Theology at Emory University (M. Div); and University of Tilburg in Tilburg, Netherlands (Ph.D.). Hooker is also an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ (UCC).
TUESDAY, February 1, 2022
The Joy of Stewardship: Tell Your Ministry Story
With Rev. Rose Niles
While it may seem that stewardship is a once-a-year campaign to raise money for the church budget, it should be more than that. Grace. Gratitude. Generosity. Stewardship should be a joyful, life-giving spiritual discipline that is practiced throughout the year. We will explore pathways towards the renewal of the joy of stewardship of time, talent, treasure, and testimony (storytelling) through resources offered by the Presbyterian Foundation.
Together we will explore the challenge and opportunity facing local church leaders as they look towards maintaining their own mental, physical, and spiritual health while leading a “hybrid church.” We will explore what new “missional metrics” might be needed in this new season of ministry and how best to discern with Elders what changes to our ecclesiology may have been temporary or permanent in light of the pandemic experience.
Unmasking the Post-COVID Church Follow-up Questions:
Rev. Dr. Ross Lockhart engaged the Synod in a conversation about the Post COVID Church. Below are questions we encourage you to discuss with your congregations.
What are the most significant changes in the church's life on a Sunday morning during COVID?
What is the most effective initiative started during COVID and will continue?
What will you continue after the pandemic?
What is one thing that you hope the congregation will not pick up and start doing again after the pandemic is over?
What has COVID taught you about the nature and necessity of your church building?
What new dreams has God been planting in your congregation during COVID about how you might better use your property for mission engagement?
Describe your spiritual practices at home. How have these changes been adapted during COVID to strengthen your relationship with Jesus and the people around you?
How did your congregation prepare you for discipleship in isolation? What is one thing the congregation could do more effectively to equip its people for faithful practice when scattered?
What has the COVID experience taught you about human nature, and how might you respond effectively with an evangelistic witness?
Tell a story about a sign of hope that you've witnessed during this challenging time that might be evidence of God's light breaking into a darkened world?
How has your understanding of incarnational ministry been transformed during this pandemic?
What do you think God is trying to teach us about how we form community in person or virtually?
What metric do we need to use to evaluate the impact of our ministries doing the pandemic?
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Unmasking the Post-covid church:
What God has taught us about the church through
this pandemic experience Part I
with Rev. Dr. Ross A Lockhart
An opportunity to reflect on the challenges and opportunities for Christian ministry throughout the challenging lived experience of the global pandemic in local churches. What did God reveal to us as followers of Jesus, in community with others, about the nature and necessity of the Church?
Resources to continue the conversation:
Byassee, Jason and Ross Lockhart. Better Than Brunch: Missional Churches in Cascadia. Eugene: Cascade, 2020.
Fitch, David. Faithful Presence: Seven Disciplines that Shape the Church for Mission. Downers Grove: IVP, 2016.
Fitch, David. Seven Practices for the Church on Mission Downers Grove: IVP, 2018.
Lockhart, Ross, ed. Christian Witness in Cascadian Soil. Eugene: Cascade, 2021.
Lockhart, Ross. Beyond Snakes and Shamrocks: St. Patrick’s Missional Leadership Lessons for Today. Eugene: Cascade, 2018.
McClenahan, Brendan and Nick Warnes. Faithful Innovation: Beginning a Conversation for a Post-Covid Church. Los Angeles: Cyclical Publishing, 2020.
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
What Every CPM Should Know Part II
with Rev. Dr. Tim Cargal
Building on a review of how American cultural trends regarding professional formation and leadership are impacting attitudes about training future pastors, the webinar will review the specific responsibilities of those under care, their sessions, and the presbyteries in the PC(USA) preparation for the ministry process.
Please share this information with your CPMs and all those that you feel would benefit from this training.
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Justice + Love = Advocacy as a Spiritual Discipline with Rev. Jimmie Hawkins
Join us for a conversation with Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, Director of the Presbyterian Church (USA) Office of Public Witness in Washington DC. on Advocacy as a Spiritual Discipline
Thursday, October 28, 2021
How to Build a Narrative Budget
with Rev. Rose Nile
Ministry Relations Officer, The Presbyterian Foundation
A Narrative budget tells your church’s story. What you value, what your priorities are, who you are. It gives a vision of ministry rather than just a spreadsheet of line items. It reflects how the congregation spends its time, talent, and resources rather than paying the bills. A narrative budget is a theological statement; reflecting your understanding of what it means to “be church." Your beliefs about God, and your commitment to God’s redemptive mission. A Narrative Budget tells the story of how your church practices good stewardship of the gifts entrusted to it. It provides a vision of where the church hopes to be in the coming budget cycle. The leadership of your church still needs to build and use a line-item budget. In fact, a line-item budget completes the first step in creating a narrative budget. You still want to make copies of the approved line-item budget available to members of the congregation who like to see that level of detail, and it shows a church's transparency and accountability. A narrative budget tells your story and celebrates the impact of the dollars you dedicate to the mission of the gospel! What a great way to motivate giving to the mission of your church Join us to learn how to develop this great additional resource for growing your stewardship/generosity initiatives!
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Viruses, Variants, and Vaccines,- Oh My with Lisa Allgood
Trained as an immunocytochemist and a graduate of the University of Medicine and Dentistry NJ, Lisa spent 36 years as an executive in the pharmaceutical industry. She is a CRE currently serving as Executive Presbyter for the Presbytery of Cincinnati.
Additional Resources
COVID Resources
Facts on the Coronavirus
Impact of Community Masking on Covid-19
Transmission Delta Variant
COVID-19 mitigation strategies for Choir developed from the research done at the University of Colorado and the University of Maryland in the Aerosol Study. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aesWEkmHYYc
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
CPM Basics: What Every Committee Member Should Know
Building on a review of how American cultural trends regarding professional formation and leadership are impacting attitudes about training future pastors, the webinar will review the specific responsibilities of those under care, their sessions, and the presbyteries in the PC(USA) preparation for the ministry process. Particular emphasis will be placed upon the centrality of individualization within covenantal relationships with inquirers and candidates.
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Virtual COM Training
Led by our own Synod Transitional Leader, the Rev. Dr. SanDawna Gaulman Ashley.
The training included:
- COM Oversight and Authority
- Communication, Polity, and Procedures
- The Call Process
- Managing Pastoral Transitions
- Advocacy and Support
- Flexible and innovative models of COMs
Training Resources :
WEDNESDAY, May 6, 2020
Online Giving
with Rev. Ellie Johns-Kelley. Join us to learn about the online giving platform available through the Presbyterian Foundation. The presentation will provide a demonstration of what donors see when making a gift.
WEDNESDAY, April 29, 2020
Stewardship, Benefits & Finances During the Pandemic
with the Rev. Ellie Johns-Kelley of the Presbyterian Foundation and the Rev. Dr. Carrie Mitchell of the Board of Pensions.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Building Communities of Faith Online: Worship, Fellowship & More
Learn about strategies for moving the traditional ways of fellowship and worship into the digital space and new non-traditional opportunities for building community; while maintaining a focus on essential connections rather than the technological platform.
Creating Community Online - Connect. Faith
Rev. Debra Bronkema and Bryan Bardin
Rev. Casey Carbone,
Mahopac Presbyterian ChurchTips and Tricks for Creating Community on Zoom
rev. abby mohaupt, Greenfaith
Interested in learing more about Synod webinars or suggesting a webinar topic, contact Lori Hylton, Administrative Coordinator for the Synod.