Seminary Student Aid Application and Supporting Document Checklist

The Wurffel-Sills Scholarship & Interest-Free Student Loan Program is open to full-time or part-time (at least half-time) students enrolled in seminary studies leading to a Master of Divinity (MDiv) or Master of Religious Education (MRE) and students enrolled in a seminary study program to fulfill Commissioned Pastor/Commissioned Ruling Elder (CRE) certification requirements. Applicants must be members of a Presbyterian Church (USA) within the Synod of the Northeast. Before beginning the online application, please carefully review the Supporting Documents Checklist.

Online Seminary Student Aid Application


The following supporting documents must be received by the Synod no later than the April 30, 2022 deadline in order for your application to be considered complete. The Synod will not review incomplete applications.

●      Form A— Financial Aid Form: Please fill in and sign the first section of the form before sending it to the finance office of your seminary. This form must be completed and mailed to the Synod by the seminary’s financial aid or bursar’s office.  The primary purpose of this form is to establish your need for funding. Even if you have not yet decided which seminary you will attend, ask a financial aid office representative at one of the seminaries you are considering to complete this form on your behalf. It is very likely that some seminaries will have delays in processing this information. Please explain to the financial aid office representative that, even though definite figures may not be available, estimates are acceptable. The financial aid office or the bursar's office must send the completed form directly to the Synod Office via e-mail or fax in order to meet the application deadline. Please allow enough time for the form to be completed and submitted by the April 30 deadline.

●      Form B— Certification of Church Membership & Pastor’s Endorsement: This form must be completed and sent to the Synod office by your pastor. This form is to verify that you are a member of a Presbyterian Church (USA) in the Synod of the Northeast and to request an assessment from your pastor of your participation in the life of the congregation.  If your church is currently without pastoral leadership or if the applicant is a member of the pastor’s immediate family/ household, a designated alternate (Clerk of Session or Session Moderator) may assume responsibility for this form. Please send this form to the appropriate person in your congregation, allowing enough time for the form to be completed and submitted by the April 30 deadline. (NOTE: This form is not required for re-applicants.)

●      Form C — Certification of Committee on Preparation for Ministry Status: This form must be completed by the Committee on Preparation for Ministry (CPM) Chair for applicants who are Candidates for Ministry of the Word and Sacrament or Ruling Elders in the process towards Commissioned Pastor/CRE Certification. If you need the name of that person, please contact your Presbytery Office or call the Synod of the Northeast.  Please send this form to your CPM Chair, allowing enough time for the form to be completed and submitted by the April 15 deadline. (NOTE: This form is not required for re-applicants.)

●      Personal Essay: You must be prepared to submit this document within the online application. Tell us about yourself, your educational goals, and how your faith journey relates to these goals. Please limit your response to 400-500 words. This essay must be uploaded as a Word document or a PDF within the online application.

●      Consent to Release Information Form: You must be prepared to submit this document within the online application. This form needs to be signed by the applicant and parent/legal guardian (if applicable) and returned with each application. (NOTE: This form is not required for re-applicants.)

●      Tax Forms: You must be prepared to submit this document within the online application. A copy of your current year tax return (Federal Tax Form only) or your parents’ current year tax return (if you file as a dependent) is required to verify your income. If you do not plan to file taxes or if you plan to file after April 30th, please be in touch with Stacy Galloway in the Synod Office.





Wurffel-Sills Program Questions

For more information about the Wurffel-Sills program or how to apply,
please contact Stacy Galloway.