Synod Assembly 2022 | Pre-Assembly Workshop : Mission at the Eastward: Toward Eradicating Poverty Through Innovative Solutions for Housing Insecurity
Workshop Description
Mission at the Eastward’s (MATE) mission is to love our neighbors through volunteer home repairs, transitional housing, and youth outreach to create lives of hope, security, and dignity in Central Western Maine. Of the households we serve, 85% have income of less than $20,000 per year. Many households are dealing with devastating effects of unemployment, addiction, family unrest, lack of healthcare, and food and housing insecurity, leaving youth and children vulnerable. MATE meets the basic human need for shelter through our volunteer home repair work, McCleary House for transitional housing, and our newest project, a tiny house buildout. MATE partners with individuals, churches, judicatories, civic organizations and foundations to provide innovative solutions to the housing insecurity crisis. In this workshop, you will learn about MATE’s history and innovative work, how identifying community needs and establishing collaborative partnerships are the key to success and how making hard decisions and being willing to take risks even in these tenuous times can bring about organizational transformation and build lives.