Synod Assembly 2022 | Pre-Assembly Workshop : Creating a Culture of Change
Workshop Description
The pandemic did not change the direction of society; it accelerated trends that were already well underway. Not only will we not go back to the way things were, more change is likely to come. Congregations can thrive by creating a culture of continual change that seeks to discern, anticipate, and adapt to their context. This workshop will discuss current trends, adaptations to congregational programs, online worship, and the use of social media, with plenty of time for questions and discussion.
Rev. Rich Hong
The Rev. Richard Hong is the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Englewood (NJ). Rich writes the “Church in the Digital Age” column for Presbyterians Today magazine. He majored in chemistry at Princeton University and was a software consultant for many years before receiving the M.Div. from Union Theological Seminary (NYC).