Synod Assembly 2022 | Pre-Assembly Workshop : Bending the Moral Arc: Courageous Conversations on Race as a Matthew 25 Initiative to Dismantle Systemic Racism
Workshop Description
We will present a model that is based on small, mixed-group conversations on race and systemic racism between members of historically Black and historically White churches. The small-group format fosters the growth of trust over time and allows for honest discussion about current and past issues related to systemic racism in this country. While this model has led to individual changes in the views of the participants, it has also created a call to action among participants that has led to outward-facing initiatives to dismantle systemic racism that have emerged from these groups. Current groups have prepared an extensive library of resources to help institute such a model for other congregations and are actively seeking to help and mentor other congregations interested in starting Bending the Moral Arc (BMA) Courageous Conversation (CC) groups. The workshop will share resources, cover topics that have been addressed by our Courageous Conversation groups, discuss how this model differs from others with similar goals, and encourage interactive dialogue covering interest in and potential barriers to expanding this model.