A Time of Firsts

The month of February has been a time of first within the Synod. The staff and conveners gathered in retreat at Honor’s Haven, Ellenville, NY, February 22nd – 24th. The conversation was facilitated by LeaderWise Consultant Dr. Okokon Udo. During the retreat, I had the privilege of meeting the leadership for the first time in person. It was a joy to truly see one another and breathe the same air. We reviewed the New Way Forward Vision and discussed new starting places and next steps.  

The group affirmed the New Way Forward 1.0 accomplishments:  

  • New people and new voices were added to the Synod Commission. 

  • The Emerging Leaders proposed the Confession “For Such A Time As This.” 

  • Innovation Grants provided new funding streams for different groups. 

  • Conversations on race led to the Synod encouraging presbyteries to conduct anti-racism training. 

  • The Come to The Table Event reached different groups across the Synod, showcased grant recipients, and provided collaborative educational opportunities. 

  • Staff support on mission working groups made the ministry areas more productive. 

  • By-laws and governance changed. 

Initial Reflections on Things Not Completed: 

  • Some things withered on the vine, such as Young Ministry Leaders and several network groups. Currently, only two networks are active the Coaching and Mediation Networks. 

  • The vision lacked a process for evaluation. 

  • The implementation steps/ work plan/ project plan was not included in the vision process. 

  • The vision lacked “buy-in” from the presbyteries. 

At the October Assembly, a fuller evaluation will be provided. We will use surveys, small group conversations, and retreats to assess the New Way Forward 1.0 further. The Leadership answered the question—Did we live into the vision? With the response, “yes, but not strategically.” Below are photos from our gathering. 


Black History Month

On February 28, the Synod held its first Black History Celebration. See the attached video link to relive the experience if you missed the event. We are thankful for the contributions of all the participating congregations and the efforts of joint planners, Rev. Dr. Anita Wright and Lori Hylton.  

Celebrating EKAP
With COVID-19 standards relaxing, I am beginning to travel around the Synod. I desire to become better acquainted with you and learn more about your ministry's hopes and dreams. Consider inviting me to upcoming events. I am open to small group conversations, leading training, and worship leadership. 

I was privileged to preach and participate on March 13 in the 25th Anniversary celebration of Eastern Korean American Presbytery. The Synod congratulates Rev. Hyon Kim, Rev. Joseph Chu, and Elder Moon Oh on their dedication and ministry within the Body of Christ. 

 A prayer from the Qur’an

The Subtle One
Rarely do you communicate with us through exciting, burning-bush scenes.
Rather, you show up in our lives in hushed, unobtrusive visitations.
Slowly penetrating our ordinariness. Like the quiet melting of spring snow.
Continue to teach us how near you are, to trust in this truth although we do
not see. To love you, although we do not feel. To speak with you, although we do
not hear. Amen
(Joyce Rupp, Fragments of Your Ancient Name, 2011).

Grace and Peace,
Rev. Ashley

SanDawna Gaulman Ashley