Special Synod Commission Meeting

The Synod Mission and Ministries Commission held a special called meeting on February 18th to consider overtures for the 225th General Assembly and took the following actions: 

1.     Approved and forwarded two overtures sponsored by the Synod of the Northeast. 

a.     On Amending G-2.0301 to Allow Congregations to Elect Members as Ruling Elders for Service to the Larger Church (POL-08 in PC-Biz).  The Synod has presented the Recommendation before.  However, the Rationale is completely new to explain why PCUSA needs this amendment to the Book of Order. 

b.     On Initiating the Process to Add a New Confession to the Book of Confessions (TWE-13 in PC-Biz) The Synod Assembly initially voted to forward A Confession for Such a Time as This to be added to the Book of Confessions.  A working group of several of the original signers and several Synod Assembly Commissioners met to craft the overture.

2.     Concurred with Presbytery of the Northeast’s Overture On Amending F-1.0302 and F-1.0404 Regarding Abilities (Polity Committee:  POL-16 in PC-Biz.) 

The Commission agreed as well to create a small task group including the Stated Clerk to consider overtures submitted by Presbyteries for Synod concurrence and to review overtures from other regions that may be relevant to the Synod’s mission.  The final date for submission of concurrences is May 4th.

Nancy Talbot