2025 Grantees

2025 Campus Ministry Grantees

The Synod of the Northeast greatly values the gifts of our young people. We are committed to welcoming and celebrating their presence and leadership in engaging with all levels of our community.

We recognize that college years can be a particularly formative time for individuals and that campus ministries can play an essential role in their spiritual discernment and development. The Synod of the Northeast is committed to supporting these ministries in cooperation with our member presbyteries and congregations. We seek to establish relationships that support this important work through partnership as well as financial gifts. For that reason, priority is given to those ministries with strong relationships with the PC(USA).

At the January Meeting of the Mission & Ministries Commission, the Mission Working Group recommended, and the Commission approved the following grants.   Congratulations to all of the grantees!

University at Albany | Cornerstone Protestant Campus Ministry
Presbytery: Albany
Amount Awarded: $2,500

Protestant Cooperative Ministry at Cornell| Cornell University
Presbytery: Susquehanna Valley
Amount Awarded: $2,500

Princeton Presbyterians of the Westminster Foundation | Princeton University
Presbytery: Coastlands
Amount Awarded: $2,500

Troy Area United Ministries | Sage College
Presbytery: Albany
Amount Awarded: $2,500

United Campus Ministries | Plymouth State University
Presbytery: Northern New England
Amount Awarded: $2,500

Rutgers Protestant Campus Ministries, Inc. | Rutgers University
Presbytery: Coastlands
Amount Awarded: $2,500

UKirk Ewing of the Westminster Foundation | College of New Jersey
Presbytery: Coastlands
Amount Awarded: $2,500

LaMP Campus Ministry | Columbia University, Fordham University, & Other Schools
Presbytery: New York City
Amount Awarded: $2,500

Campus Church Coalition | State University of New York at Buffalo
Presbytery: Western New York
Amount Awarded: $2,500

Cortland Interfaith Council | State University of New York at Cortland
Presbytery: Susquehanna Valley
Amount Awarded: $2,500

PRiSM Student Ministry| NYU, The New School, CUNY, Pratt and other City Colleges
Presbytery: New York City
Amount Awarded: $2,500

Protestant Chapel Community| University of Rochester
Presbytery: Genesee Valley
Amount Awarded: $2,500


The Synod of the Northeast greatly values the gifts of our young people and is committed to welcoming and celebrating their presence and leadership in all levels of our community's engagement.

Young people not only represent the leadership of our future, but their voices also guide our present moment as – together – we build a community that is mindful of generations to come. The Synod of the Northeast seeks to support the development of youth leadership skills and the amplification of youth voices both within the church and beyond. We are excited to offer Youth and Young Adult Leadership Development grants to initiatives, both new and sustained, that lift up and strengthen the leadership of young people.

We are pleased to announce the 2025 Youth Leadership Development Grantees as follows:

Princeton Presbyterians of the Westminster Foundation | Princeton Presbyterians Sabbath Retreat Weekends
Presbytery: Coastlands
Amount Awarded: $6,000

Princeton Presbyterians were awarded funding for two weekend retreats in Asbury Park, NJ, One trip is  designed  for  Princeton  University  undergraduate  students,  and  the  other  welcomes  graduate  students from Princeton University and Princeton Theological Seminary.

The retreats fit into a longer-term project of incorporating rest into their “rhythms” as a Christian campus  fellowship.  Students organize and lead  an  event  called  "The  Oasis"  during  midterm  week,  simply  spreading picnic blankets, sharing baked goods, playing lawn games, and inviting friends to come and take a break. They also connect young people with mental health resources, and sabbath rest is a common theme in sermons at their weekly Breaking Bread worship service on Sunday nights.

Presbyterian Camps and Conferences, Inc. | Johnsonburg Camp & Retreat Center
Presbytery:  Coastlands
Amount Awarded: $7,500

Johnsonburg Camp & Retreat Center was awarded $7,500 for scholarships for individuals living within the geographic boundaries of the Synod of the Northeast.  Their camps enable high school students to live, work, and learn about leadership.   This program directly correlates to the  experiences  of  future  youth  in churches  and  at  camp,  as  these  young  leaders  serve  as  camp  staff,  retreat  staff,  youth  ministry  interns,  and  potential seminary students.

Johnsonburg’s Leadership Training and Service Program is a two-week camp for rising 12th  graders.  Young leaders will explore and sharpen their leadership skills through camps while participating in Camp Johnsonburg activities. With a significant focus on service, campers can expect to have dedicated service blocks during their day, and sessions focused on expanding these campers’ leadership skills.  Their goal is to form leaders who will be equipped  to  bless  their communities,  churches,  and  ultimately  the  wider church through ministries.

Good Success Academies, Inc. | School to Life Summer Employment Program
Presbytery: Northeast New Jersey
Amount Awarded: $7,500

Good Success Academies was awarded $7,500 for their School to Life Initiative Summer Employment Program.  This program empowers youth to be the leaders of tomorrow. The initiative works to ensure that youth, especially minority youth, develop the necessary skills to succeed in life beyond high school. 

Youth are empowered to possess the skills to succeed in college, in the workforce, and in responsible adult living.  They provide paid work experience through summer employment for students completing the academic year. 

The School to Life Summer Employment primarily serves minority youth ages 14 and up throughout Newark, including Newark, Bloomfield, The Oranges, Montclair, and Paterson.  It has significance to participants' lives because it strives to level the academic, personal, and economic playing field for marginalized minority youth.

Institute of Music for Children | Youth Leader Program
Presbytery: Northeast New Jersey
Amount Awarded:  $7,500

The Institute of Music for Children was awarded $7,500 for their Youth Leader Program.  Through this program, more than 40 Youth Leaders receive paid employment to support 500 Institute students and 45 Teaching Artists - all of whom are deeply engaged in their program and community. 

Youth leaders can find their voices, dream big, and initiate youth-led collaborative projects through their collaboration.  This program is deeply engaged in their community of care and belonging, and enables participants to give  back  to  the  community.   They have successfully used the arts as a catalyst for youth development and are seeing leadership beginning to emerge from long-time students who are taking ownership of the Institute's programs.

Mark Bennett