Posts tagged Election
2018 Synod Assembly Highlights: Officer Elections

Amid the many fruitful conversations that comprised the 2018 Synod Assembly’s business, the Assembly officially elected officers for the Synod’s upcoming leadership terms.

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A Pastoral Letter Post 2016 Election

As we move into a changed political environment the community of the Synod of the Northeast shares in the deep grief and fear that many within our community and throughout our nation are now experiencing. This concern is not one that is partisan nor focused upon a particular elected person.  It is a concern based in what is seeming to be a social movement of polarization.  While we may have differing positions on some issues, we find a powerful consensus upon the Gospel values that form our Christian witness.  We stand in whole hearted solidarity with those who have been marginalized in the past and for whom the current political environment offers only a greater threat of hatred, violence and further marginalization.

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