Grant Progress Reports

TThe Synod of the Northeast requires a grant progress report at the conclusion of the funding year. The form is due before the Synod Commission meeting 12 months after your Synod grant was received. The deadlines for annual grant progress reports are January 10th for grants awarded at the late January/early February Synod Commission, April 10th for grants awarded at the late April/early May Synod Commission, and August 20th for grants awarded at the mid-September Synod Commission.

We look forward to hearing the good news of what Synod of the Northeast funds helped to create, transform, or grow!

Please contact the Synod Grants Coordinator, Sarah Henkel if you have any questions or concerns regarding the Grant Progress Form.

Only reports submitted online will be reviewed. Because the online form is not equipped to save partial entries for completion later, we recommend you prepare your application in a separate document and cut and paste your responses into this form when you are ready to submit your final version. An editable Word document version of the Synod of the Northeast Grant Progress Form is available here: Synod of the Northeast Grant Progress Form