NJ Missional Structures: The Right Container

By Carl Wilton

During the years when I was growing up, we had a number of cars in our family. Big cars, little cars, new cars, old cars — they came and went, according to the fortunes of my dad’s business and my mother’s teaching salary. We were a suburban family in the Sixties, which meant there was often one common denominator amongst all those vehicles that ever occupied our driveway: the station wagon.

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Strengthening Leadership and Supporting Our Communities

By Lori Hylton

The Synod’s Servant Leadership Institute (SLI) was officially launched and announced to the Synod community last month. To our delight, people were immediately excited and interested to learn more about the program.

You’ve had several questions: who is the program targeting; what is servant leadership; what are the goals of the program; how does one apply; and why do we need this program, to name a few. All very good questions.

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For Such a Time as This: An Invitation to Come to the Table 2019

By Amaury Tañón-Santos

The third installment of Come to the Table is scheduled for November 8-9, 2019 at the Stony Point Center in Stony Point, NY. The planning team is hard at work designing the experience focused on worship, joint learning – with a mission fair, and two 1½-hour-long workshop sessions on three tracks – and fellowship. The theme around which our Synod community will gather is For Such a Time as This: Change, Crisis, & Opportunity.

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M&MC Highlights: From Discomfort to Discovery

by Anita Wright

When we entered the opening gathering for the May Mission & Ministries Commission meeting, we were told to bring our chairs into the inner part of the room. There we sat in a semi-circle. It created a discomfort around the room because it was not what we were used to doing. Everyone waited for the activity to begin…and you could feel the palpable tension as we waited for this activity to be over so we could return to our normal seats. Yet, it never happened. As I squelched my complaints about why this did not create a productive meeting space in which I could take notes for my reporting, I began to shift my perspective. I began to fully engage the process at hand. This was no longer an activity to be endured, but I could see the value in it.

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